Q 1. What is the design of this corbel called?
This Corbel is our profile C-22 (C22)
Q 2. What is the Corbel Made from?
This product is made from Plantation Grown Radiata Pine.
Q 3. Where would you normally use Timber Corbel or Carving?
You would normally use a Timber corbel as a feature on a kitchen bench, mantel piece or a piece of furniture
Q 4. What is the dimensions of C-22 (C22) Profile Corbel?
230mm High x 70mm Width x 70mm Depth
IMPORTANT – Please Read : These products are hand carved in the Philippines, and as a result you will get variations in dimensions and the level of detail in the carving. If you are looking to buy a pair of corbels that are going to perfectly match, then this will NOT be the case with these items.
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